Business to HR alignment

Transferring some approaches over from Business-IT Alignment to Business-HR Alignment: Business HR Alignment Definition #1: Business-HR Alignment is the capacity in which your Organization (Employees, Reporting Structures, Communication, Collaboration, …) has a positive relationship to financial measurements or business outcomes. Business HR Alignment Definition #2: The Business-HR alignment integrates the organizational development to the strategy, mission, and…

EA at ACME Inc. – Inconsistent reporting causes frustration

This is a guest blog from Wolfgang Frech (iteratec) – for more see iteraplan blog. Charly, Chief Enterprise Architect of ACME Inc., prepares the next major architecture board. His three colleagues, Doris, Dieter and Diane, all Deputy Enterprise Architects in the regional offices, are to report on their respective responsibility areas. Basically, Charly is interested in…

iteraplan 3.1 feature: Usage-relation on Infrastructure Elements

This is a guest blog from Fabian Kainzinger (iteratec) – for more see iteraplan blog. Connections and dependencies of infrastructure elements are simply and effectively modelled using the extended iteraplan meta model: iteraplan 3.1 now supports the usage-relation for infrastructure elements. Relations between elements of the same building block type differ semantically. iteraplan supports the following…