This is a guest blog from Fabian Kainzinger (iteratec) – for more see iteraplan blog.
The iteraplan release 3.1 (released in July 2013) features a revamped and extended master plan diagram. It is now available for all element types, can be configured to include related elements and for analyzing time spans.
The master plan diagram depicts chronological dependencies of elements like projects, information systems and technical components. Selected elements are listed on the left side of the diagram, the individually defined time scale is placed at the top. In the main visualization area, time spans of selected elements are positioned according to their individual values. Further attributes of the elements can be used for coloring the bars representing the time spans. All in all, this diagram serves as an essential tool for planning and coordinating processes within an organization.

What is new is that you can select any iteraplan best-practice metamodel element type for visualization. Aside from productive time spans of information systems, e.g. different statuses of business functions can be displayed from now on. Additionally, elements connected via a maximum of two relations can appear in the diagram. Relations between different element types as well as self-referencing relations like ‘predecessor – successor’ are possible thereby. For example, you can configure the master plan diagram to show business objects, assigned information systems and the according products too.

You can test the enhanced master plan diagram in the current beta-version of iteraplan: here you can access the Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition directly. For additional information, please refer to the iteraplan documentation.