This is a guest blog from Fabian Kainzinger (iteratec) – for more see iteraplan blog.
iteraplan release 3.1 with the newly introduced date intervals offers improved options for planning and coordination. The date intervals are configurable and available for all types of building blocks.
How does this work? First you need two date attributes which define the beginning and end of the date interval. Both of these user-defined attributes can be set up via the administrations menu and are assigned to one or multiple building block types. In a second step the two date attributes are combined to form a date interval. An arbitrary name for the date interval is used to identify it in Masterplan diagrams. Optionally the two date attributes can be added to an attribute group and are then shown in the appropriate screen area with the respective building block.

To model the life cycle of an information system, date intervals like ‚development‘, ‚live‘ and ‚replacement’ might be set up. As shown in the screenshot above, the live interval is defined using two date attributes. Moreover a standard color is configured for the visualization within the Masterplan diagram. You can easily try out the set-up of date intervals yourself. Just follow the link to the Community Edition, respectively the Enterprise Edition. More information is found in the documentation.