This is a guest blog from Daniel Neuer
The accelerated Excel import of smartEA (iteraplan) 3.2 cuts time by half, making it faster and easier to iterate in your Enterprise Architecture project.
In addition to the enhanced range of functionalities smartEA technical side is continually optimized too. One of the ever recurring requests of the community to accelerate the excel import was realized in Version 3.2 released on 31st October 2013.
The duration to import huge data volumes, e.g. at the beginning of an EAM initiative were reduced by approx. 50% – for strongly interlinked building block types like the information system even by approx. 70% (see chart below). The accelerated speed is particularly noticeable when regularly consolidating decentralized and offline generated information which is usually processed by excel import.
Accelerated Excel import of smartEA 3.2 cuts time by half or more!
But time savings are not everything. While optimizing the code base we have established a process which enables us to raise our future potential for improvement rapidly and sustainably. The consequent iteration via theory – metering – trial – metering – implementation ensures that future optimizations can be realized securely and appropriately as per the release dates. Additionally, we have included a metering as safety net into the build process. So we can make sure that changes in other parts of the code do not affect the already achieved successes negatively every night. This helps us make smartEA faster and even more reliable.